2025 Scholars in Residence
list in formation

Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Glatstein is an American Orthodox rav, public speaker, author, prolific researcher, pulpit rabbi and teacher with a global following and one of the most popular English speaking Torah teachers in the contemporary Jewish landscape. Rabbi Glatstein was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and now resides in the Five Towns (Cedarhurst NY) with his family where he furthers his research, writing and teachings to the masses and his Kahal Kadosh.
Rabbi Glatstein will be joining us for the first days and part of Chol Hamoed

Rabbi Aryeh Goldman joined the Las Vegas Kollel in 2016 after serving on the faculty of the Rabbinical Seminary of America, where Rabbi Goldman was responsible for educating and mentoring rabbinical students as they prepared for their careers in rabbinic leadership, education, and outreach. Since assuming his outreach role in Las Vegas, Rabbi Goldman has become a sought after source for Torah study and life direction. His leadership raises the bar of Torah scholarship in Kollel and throughout the community; he is a rabbi's rabbi.
Rabbi Goldman will be joining us for the entire Pesach.

Rabbi Avi Slansky is rapidly making waves in the world of Torah lectures and literature. Rabbi Slansky received semichah from Machon Hora’ah l’Rabbanim and the Rabbanut of Yerushalayim. He serves as the Rav of The Shtieble - Kehilas Bais Refoel in Haverstraw, NY; Menahel of Yeshiva Shaarei Torah in Monsey; Rosh Kollel of the Cross River Bank Kollel, and Mashpia/Director of Camp Romimu’s Rom v’Nisah Program.
Rabbi Slansky delivers dynamic shiurim to hundreds of daily listeners. His offerings include Clear Concise Daf Yomi, Dirshu Mishnah Berurah, Hachzek Mussar Yomi, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yomi. He has authored several best-selling works, such as “Wine, Whiskey & Halachah,” “The Laws of Yichud,” “The Laws of Challah & Hadlakas Neiros,” and “The Laws of Chanukah & Purim,” distributed by Feldheim Publishers. Rabbi Slansky’s teachings have garnered over a million views, and are accessible through various platforms, including TorahAnytime, where he has over 4,600 shiurim available.
Rabbi Slansky will be joining us for the entire Pesach.
Rifka Twerski Ganz MS, Pd, LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor, is a Marriage and Family Therapist in the Rockaway-Five Towns area with three decades of experience. She has trainings and certifications in couples therapy, family therapy, anxiety, depression, CBT, EMDR and life cycle challenges. She has worked with women and couples in first and second marriages through many of life’s difficult challenges. She was a founding member of Nefesh and one of the pioneers of bringing mental health awareness to the frum community of New York and to the larger national stage of Jewish life. Rebbetzin Ganz and her husband Rabbi Berish Ganz zt”l did Kiruv for 22 years in Suffolk County Long Island where they brought hundreds of Jews to Torah, and then in Cambridge, Massachusetts where Rabbi Ganz taught Torah and they did kiruv with the college community.
Speakers & Maggidei Shiur

Rabbi Naftali Portnoy has served as the Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center, since 1988. Together with Director Rabbi Moshe Turk, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 15,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 1,500 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Portnoy has a deep grasp of psak halacha and has conferred extensively with g’dolei poskin both in America and Eretz Yisrael on varied and delicate matters of halacha as they apply to baalei teshuva.

Rabbi Moshe Turk is the founding Co-Director of, and Senior Lecturer at, the Jewish Heritage Center of Queens and Long Island, an internationally renowned Kiruv Center. Together with Director Emeritus Rabbi Naftali Portnoy, he developed this respected organization, which since 1987 has reached out to more than 15,000 Jewish Adults throughout the Metropolitan New York area. More than 1,500 of their students have become fully Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos and over 8,000 have made significant strides towards deepening their commitment to Torah Judaism. Rabbi Turk is a warm and engaging speaker who has lectured to both learned and secular audiences throughout the country and in Eretz Yisrael.

Nissim Black is an American-Israeli Rapper/Singer and influencer who is taking the world by storm. Growing up in the inner city of Seattle, Nissim Black saw firsthand the struggles and challenges that many people face on a daily basis. But he didn't let that define him. Instead, he embraced his passion for music and used it as a vehicle to spread positivity and increase awareness of God through mainstream mediums. With a musical style that ranges from Rap to Pop to World music, Nissim Black's unique sound has captured the hearts and minds of fans all around the world. On his YouTube channel alone, he's garnered more than 26 Million views worldwide. Nissim is bringing his unique perspective to a wider audience than ever before. In addition to his musical talents, Nissim Black is also the host of "The Nissim Black Podcast," where he shares his insights, inspirations, and experiences with a growing community of fans and followers.
Nissim and his wife and family will be joining us for all of Yom Tov.

Rabbi Eliezer Eidlitz of Los Angeles, our Program’s Rav Hamachshir, is a world-renowned expert in the field of Kashrus. He is recognized as a leading authority not only on the extremely complex laws of kashrus, but as well on the intricacies of modern food production and corporate machinery such as those found in Hotels and industrial kitchen settings. He is Founder/Director of the Kosher Information Bureau and kosherquest.org and the author of the highly acclaimed book Is It Kosher?

Rabbi Yitzchak Gornish is a kashrus administrator at KOF-K Kosher Supervision, with over two decades of experience and a master's degree in food science from Rutgers University. He combines his deep understanding of kashrus halachos with technical knowledge of the food industry and expertise in food chemistry, enabling him to integrate kashrus into food production. Rabbi Gornish believes that understanding the manufacturing process is crucial for providing effective kashrus supervision, and he is currently studying automation to advise companies on how to streamline kashrus supervision.

Rabbi Joey Haber is a dynamic and relatable spiritual leader, serving as the rabbi of Magen David Congregation in Brooklyn, NY, and leading the Beit Yosef Torah Center in Deal, NJ. Raised in a Sephardic family and educated in Ashkenazi yeshivot, he uniquely blends traditions to connect with diverse audiences while promoting life-enhancing Torah values. A sought-after speaker, Rabbi Haber inspires through lectures on platforms like TorahAnytime and initiatives such as Vayimaen, which focus on personal growth. His impactful leadership continues to guide the Jewish community toward deeper faith and understanding.
Rabbi Haber will be speaking Wednesday night of Chol Hamoed

Rabbi Shlomo Yonoson Harris is a noted talmid chacham with expertise in many areas, including chinuch and shiduchim. Rabbi Harris is a Beis Medrash Magid Shiur in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, where the talmidim line up by his door for his insightful guidance and eitza. Rabbi Harris is an internationally sought after shadchan, with over 60 successful shiduchim (including from past years of our Pesach Program!). Additionally, Rabbi Harris serves as the Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Alumni minyan. ​

Dr. Meir Wikler is a psychotherapist and family counselor in full-time private practice with offices in Lakewood, N.J. and Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a sought after speaker in the U.S., the U.K. and in Eretz Yisroel. Dr. Wikler has published over 100 articles in various clinical journals as well as popular periodicals such as The Jewish Observer and Mishpacha Magazine. He has also written twelve books on marriage, parenting, psychotherapy and stories of hashgacha pratis published by Artscroll, Feldheim, Menucha, and Hamodia Treasures/Israel Bookshop. Many of his lectures and shiurim are available at TorahAnytime.com.

yoni z.
Tuesday Night

baruch levine
Wednesday Night

nissim black
Joining for all Yom Tov
Concert Thursday Night

Baal Tefila and Ruach

Rabbi Shlomo Yonoson Harris

Rabbi Harris is a noted talmid chacham with expertise in many areas, including chinuch and shiduchim. Rabbi Harris is a Beis Medrash Magid Shiur in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, where the talmidim line up by his door for his insightful guidance and eitza. Rabbi Harris is an internationally sought after shadchan, with over 60 successful shiduchim (including from past years of our Pesach Program!). Additionally, Rabbi Harris serves as the Rav of the Chofetz Chaim Alumni minyan. ​
Mrs. Adina Reich

Adina has been an active volunteer shadchan for over two decades, and is well known for her innovative and forward-thinking approach to singles, dating, relationships and matchmaking, as well as for her fun, relaxed and well-attended single events. Adina lives in Lawrence, NY with her husband Shlomo and their 6 children, and works in business development for Landmark Abstract Agency, a full service commercial and residential title insurance company.
Daycare, Day Camp & Teens
Our highly acclaimed daycare, daycamp and teen programs will be led by the caring and capable
Avi Devor - ActivityGuy!
He has years of experience not only at Yom Tov Hotels, but also as a coach, sensei and team builder. With warm and caring counselors and a fun packed schedule will guarantee your children the time of their life so their parents can get the relaxation of a lifetime!​